Restarting My Github Site

This is what I did to restart my site as a Jekyll site. I combined and along with some tweaks of my own.


I wanted a better theme and it seemed easier to switch to Jekyll to find themes to steal from. I am not a web designer.

I want to be able to discuss with well-formatted code. Clojure code…

 (defsynth saw-synth-1
    "a basic saw synth"
    [pitch-midi {:default 60  :min 40   :max 70  :step 1}
     gate       {:default 1.0 :min 0.0  :max 1.0 :step 1}
     position   {:default 0.0 :min -1.0 :max 1.0 :step 0.1}
     out-bus    {:default 0   :min 0    :max 128 :step 1}]
    (let [pitch-freq (midicps pitch-midi)
          saw-out (saw pitch-freq)]
      (out out-bus (pan2 (* gate saw-out) position))))

and even GLSL code…

vec2 getScreenUV(vec2 fc) {
    vec2 uv = fc/iResolution.xy;  // uv = [0,1)
    uv = 2.0*uv-1.0;              // uv = [-1,1)
    float aspect_ratio = iResolution.x / iResolution.y;
    if(aspect_ratio < 1.0) {
        uv.x /= aspect_ratio;     // u  = [-ar,ar), v = [-1,1)
    } else {
        uv.y /= aspect_ratio;     // u  = [-1,1),  v = [-ar,ar)

I want to be able to demonstrate audio…

I want to enclose images…

e-chord wave

And sometimes, I want to discuss math with the clarity of a real equation via MathJax

$\frac{\partial y}{\partial t} = v_0 + \left( \frac{ v_1 - v_0 }{ y_1 - y_0 } \right) ( y - y_0 )$

And after a bit of editing the files assets/themes/jb-svbtle/css/fixes.css and _includes/themes/jb-svbtle/default.html, along with some help from @holman–hey, it works!